Thursday, October 2, 2014

Currently…. October!

This is my first Currently link up…. Hope you are off to a great month!

I don't create products but here is a link to my {Pinterest Holiday board} with a bunch of different activities or treats for the upcoming holidays!

Check out other fun "Currently" posts and find some treats and a few tricks!



  1. I love Alaska! My BFF lives in Homer! Happy PFD Distribution Day!
    Learning With Mrs. Leeby

  2. Could you explain what PFD Distribution Day is? It sounds very interesting! Happy Spending! :)

    1. The PFD is the Permanent Fund Dividend that Alaska residents get every October. It's based on oil money and is a different amount every year. It's definitely a perk to living in The Last Frontier!

  3. Alaska! Brrrrrr!!! I live in South Florida...I don't think I could do it! Thanks for sharing your pinterest link...I always love following new people! Happy October!!
