We are lucky enough to have a fabulous half time art teacher! This wall used to have a different mural on it, that in my opinion wasn't very pleasing to look at. This year she decided to have students paint over it and break it into sections to represent the different animals & habitats in Alaska. These are some 5th graders working. I'm super excited about the final product!
I do not have any sons nor do I have to help my husband tie his tie. This young man asked me to help him with his this morning. Uh-oh.
Luckily, we had a male sub in our grade level or else I would have sent him to our 1 male teacher in 3rd grade or our custodian.
How many males do you have working in your building?
April snow showers are common here… we ended up with this one for a a day and half.
Hopefully we're done with it now. :)
We used Socrative again! I love it!
I created a 10 question review for our last three lessons. Students worked this quiz at their pace and then moved right into the lesson video. I downloaded the report and I love how they color coordinate so that I can see right away which were answered correctly or not. I'm a little sad to see that much red, but at least I know what we need to go over again before our quiz.
I ended up with an unexpected doctor appointment yesterday afternoon for our coming baby girl. We had an assembly in the afternoon so it was fairly easy to adjust for a sub. Everything ended up being just fine and I was out of the office within an hour. That meant that I got to spend the majority of a wonderful sunny afternoon with my toddler. She loves her leaves, sticks and dirt!
We have two male teachers, a part-time male assistant principal, and the janitor. There are about 50 women. Pretty typical elementary school. While I wouldn't want any of our female teachers to leave, I do think it is a shame there aren't more men in elementary schools. Kids need both male and female role models.