Friday, June 26, 2015

Five for Friday….June 26

This week was pretty family focused…which will probably be the case for the summer, but it's still fun to share!
Hope you all had a great week!

Happy Father's Day!!

I got a new phone…this was on the way home from the store.

Silagirl wanted an "Elsa braid." 
This was as good as it gets with her little hair.
She then proceeded to sing "Let it go! Let it go!" over and over again.

Daddy's little helper, whether he wants help or not. :)
They are clearing an area for our swing set to be moved and putting in some sand.

My hubby just left for a 4 week job up in the Bering Strait area with his summer job. I'm not super excited about it, but I know that it'll pass and that this is a great opportunity for him. The main part that concerns me is that he is scheduled to be home about 9 days before my due date. Let's hope our little girl decided to stay put until Daddy is home.

Us before he left out the door… our daughter wearing her "Rapunzel" hair.

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